Simple and Effective Aesthetic Materials for Use in Pediatric Dentistry



This course will discuss new aesthetic materials and their use in cosmetic dentistry in Pediatric Dentistry.  GIC’s, noted for their fluoride release, have improved greatly over the last decade as a final restoration in Class I and Class II restorations in stress bearing and non-stress bearing teeth.  Composites have also improved over time.  Their chameleon effect gives the dentist a better color match, predictability, and reduced shade inventory.  The final topic covered will be the indications for successful techniques on how to use and apply these materials in your practice.




  1.  Learn how to use GIC in Class I and Class II restorations
  2.  Learn how to use new composites in anterior and posterior teeth with predicable aesthetic results
  3. Indications for use of GIC vs. Composites



  1.  Understand the different uses of GIC and composites
  2. Understand the chameleon effect of the new composites
  3. Understand how to apply GIC and composites for predictable aesthetic results